Personalised Liberal Metropolitan Elite Licence


14 in stock


Why tear yourself away from your 6000 word thinkpiece on why your flights to Kreuzberg are actually counter-intuitively GOOD for the environment when you could just wave this handy licence in the face of whatever oik has questioned your unimpeachable LME credentials? Fully customisable, this piece of Very Official Documentation™ is printed on credit card sized 760 micron PVC and should leave your interrogators in absolutely no doubt as to how massive your Ocado bill is.




After placing your order here, please email with the photo you’d like to use and the text you’d like on the card. The main fields are ‘Name’ and ‘DOB’ but any other part can be edited/removed as well. I’ll even whack a pair of badly-photoshopped meedja glasses on to the pic if you so desire – just let me know!


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